How important is the coach-created motivational climate on player longevity?




Coach-athlete relationships, athlete development, long-term motivation, sustained participation


Coaches are considered the architects of sustained participation and performance in sport, often responsible for implementing the structure and content of training and competition over short- and long-term periods. Further, coaches can also influence the design and nature of social interactions and experiences. Appleton et al. (2016) refers to such coaching environments, created intentionally or unintentionally, as ‘coach-created motivational climates,’ given their impact on player motivation (or lack of). This article initially describes the research that supports empowering coach-created motivational climates, an evidence-based approach to developing and sustaining player motivation. An empowering climate is characterised by coach behaviours of high task involvement, autonomy and social support and low ego control. The article then highlights how tennis coaches can implement and review empowering coaching principles, promoting positive health development and player longevity.


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How to Cite

Moulds, K. (2023). How important is the coach-created motivational climate on player longevity?. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 32(91), 51–54.


