Motor coordination and its implications on teaching tennis to three to six-year-old children


  • Layla Maria Campos Aburachid Paranaense Tennis Federation, Curitiba, Brazil
  • Caio Cortela Brazilian Tennis Confederation
  • Pablo Juan Greco Paranaense Tennis Federation, Curitiba, Brazil



children, tennis, coordination, perception


The practice of coordinative exercises contributes not only to develop technique but also to improve decision-making quality during the game. This study presents practical possibilities to stimulate motor coordination applied to three to six-year-old children during tennis classes. The methodological proposals of the Ball School and Universal Sport Initiation focus on a general education of the individuals and defend the so-called “playing to learn” and “learning while playing”. This way, implicit learning is stimulated considering the perception of children and the conditions/restrictions of the tasks performed during practice.  


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How to Cite

Campos Aburachid, L. M., Cortela, C., & Juan Greco, P. (2021). Motor coordination and its implications on teaching tennis to three to six-year-old children. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 29(85), 31–33.




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